This Spanish audio lesson shows you the easy way to start using Spanish language patterns to speak in real flowing sentences.

It’s an extension of the idea that I call horizontal conjugation.

It takes all the confusion out of Spanish verbs and is the foundation of my Bola de Nieve course.

Today, I have for you an all new lessons.

To do this lesson, you should know the most important Spanish verbs and Mortar Words.

Mortar Words are the glue words that make it easy to put Spanish together in fluid sentences. Combine them with Spanish verbs and you can speak with real and useful phrases, right away.

It makes your Spanish flow very naturally, the same way native Spanish speakers use their language. It’s always nice to sound as authentic as possible.

If you know the Mortar Words, you’ll speak along with this lesson right away.

If you don’t know them yet, you should check out my getting started course Synergy Spanish. It teaches you the 138 most important words and easy patterns to combine those words into 88,000 Spanish phrases.

Then once you know the Mortar Words and the most common verbs, it’s really easy to become more fluent. All you need to do is work on one simple conjugation at a time and your Spanish can start flowing more and more each day.

Get your Spanish flowing towards fluency and…

Grab Your Audio Lesson Here

If you have any trouble using the verbs in the lesson right away, take a look my post called kick butt Spanish.

In part two of these lessons, I’ll show you how to add irregular verbs to the patterns you can use fluently. Just enter your name and email address below. I’ll send you part two and 2 extra lessons that show you how to use this system to start speaking even more conversationally with your amigos.

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