There’s magic in a sequence.

If you are like me, you probably learned to crawl, then walk, then run.

That’s how you learned to read. First the alphabet, then words, then phrases, and then entire books.

I am using it to become a gymnast in my 50’s. It holds the key to great things including freedom with Spanish in your 60’s 70’s 80’s or even 90’s.


Fearless Fluency is ideal if you have some Spanish words under your belt. It gives you the confidence to build those words in sentences to blend into daily life and comfortable conversations.

Right now you can save 61%. Hurry, this discount is only available until April 21st.

All-New Master Keys to Spanish

The gymnastic sequence started with doing push-ups against a table. Then I did push-ups on the ground. Then I did push-ups with my elbows close to my ribs, then leaning forward.

Now, I can do pushups with one hand.

The steady sequence will have me doing an iron cross in my 60’s.

As they say in the Spanish-speaking world “primer Dios”. It means “God first” but it’s like saying “God willing” in English.

So if the fates are kind, I’ll bust out an iron cross on my 60thbirthday and my 60’s will be as glorious as my 50’s.

How can I be so sure?

I have an exercise sequence that leads me step by step to my gymnastic goal.

Likewise, sequencing can assure you many glorious years speaking Spanish. You can enjoy this new fluency into your 60’s, 70’s, 80’s or even 90’s.

There’s a sequence to using Spanish verbs with fearless fluency. Follow the sequence and your success is even more certain than my pushups originally were.

Find your success assured sequence on this page:

Spanish sequencing secret