

Why Is Spanish So Much Like English?

One of the best ways to boost your Spanish-speaking skills is to find the words that it shares with the English language. Have you ever noticed that certain words, like ‘influencia’ (influence) are extremely similar but just pronounced and spelled slightly different? […]

The #1 Tip For Speaking Spanish Fast

Learning another language is exciting, but when you sit down with a typical textbook and try to speak the language… That’s a whole different story. […]

Rewiring your brain for Spanish

I’ve crafted a brand-new video for you. It shows you how to say more with the Spanish you already know. It’s styled on my new Synergy Spanish 8x course and is a perfect addition to the language patterns in Synergy Spanish. This video rewires your brain for Spanish. It simply [...]

Essential Spanish expressions

Do you know these Spanish 5 common Spanish words and expressions? de vez en cuando muy a menudo ni veo nieta This video makes those words and expressions part of your conversational Spanish repertoire. […]

Say what you love in Spanish

Today I’ll give you a handy expression that will allow you to praise Spanish speakers about their country, food, and culture. Plus I’ll show you how to multiply what you can say with a little twist. […]

Spanish Retirement Euphoria

In Spanish the word for “retirement” looks like an English word just not the one you were expecting. The word for retirement is jubilación. But it doesn’t mean jubilation. Or does it? […]

Speak Father’s Day Spanish

I’ve got for you a special Father’s Day speak to learn Spanish video. On this lesson you’ll speak all about Father’s Day. You’ll also chat about seeing your father, children, grandchildren and family. We’ll talk about love in an authentic and natural way. […]

Spanish Miracle Mornings

Have you ever had a day when you just can’t get going? I used to start my days as grumpy as a bear with a sore head. But, not anymore. […]

Keeping Spanish Simple

Why complicate Spanish, when you can K.I.S.S. Spanish? Keep it Simple Spanish. You won’t find analysis of the “pluperfect subjective” or any other intimidating labels. Instead, you’ll only find Spanish you can use today in real-life. […]

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Monica Rainville-Baton
Monica Rainville-Baton
1 year ago
  • I purchased Synergy Spanish – Bola De Nieve about 10 yrs. ago and I loved it, it was great. I somehow got away from my Spanish lessons, but I’m back again. My problem is that neither my ID or Password seem to work, and when I requested the info and entered it, this is what I get “TypeError: Failed to fetch”. Even when I request to reset my password, I get the same message, so I can’t make a new one either.
2 years ago

My name is Edmundo Ortega, I would like more about your offer for “Small Talk”, Is that a complete course or is just the start for being more familiar with the language?

Serra Nicole
Serra Nicole
2 years ago

I purchased Synergy Spanish back in 2005-6, before you offered the online options you do now. It got me through my Spanish Class as Top of the Class. I was even able to order breakfast from McDonalds, and after having been in line listening to the Spanish guys working there talk about those of us in-line whom they thought couldn’t understand what they were saying, when I got to the counter, and my Lilly-white self began ordering in Spanish, the workers faces grew pale. They then realized that I knew everything that they had been saying while I waited in line to order my breakfast. LOL, I guess they won’t be talking smack about us white people in the breakfast line anytime soon!
Anyway, I just wanted to say what an awesome system you have here, and I wish everyone taught it like you do. A gain, thanks. SK in VA.