Did you know that just 100 words make up 70% of all spoken Spanish?

You can start with those.

Most Spanish courses grind you into the ground with 14 tenses and thousands of verb conjugations.

Yet with the right patterns you can make 88,000 phrases from just 138 words.

It’s time to make Spanish simple and uncomplicated.

Let’s strip away the complexity. Speaking Spanish can be FUN for any age…when you concentrate on these essentials first.

Let’s throw away the intimidating grammar labels. And quit focusing on the minor rules that don’t give you the power to say anything.

All they do is terrify you of making a mistake.

Everyone makes mistakes.

Good teaching allows you to succeed, enjoy yourself, and communicate even through your faults.

What if instead of obsessing over rules we looked for patterns of speaking that allowed you to speak as soon as possible?

You see, language is made up of patterns and everything is held together by words.

If you start with the most useful words and patterns you can go a long way quite quickly.

As mentioned above, you can create 88,000 phrases from just 138 words.

I build all my courses on the simple idea that words and patterns make up language. If you learn the most powerful words and patterns first you can make your Spanish take off like a rocket ship.

That’s why I have a two-pronged foundation for beginners.

Shortcut to Spanish focuses on words. The 100 most frequently used words are built into the course. Plus, it shows you 3145 Spanish words you can learn instantly.

Synergy Spanish on the other hand focuses on patterns. Speaking patterns you can use right away to combine words to make 88,000 phrases from just 138 words.

If you are done with the complication, complexity and convolution this special offer will get you speaking Spanish.


If you have been learning Spanish for a while but can’t yet put it together in sentences this two-pronged foundation may be just what you need. It helps you make sense of everything you have learned and put it into use speaking Spanish.
