I remember feeling 10 foot tall and bullet proof.

It was the night my karate Sensei taught me a secret to mastering any skill. You can use it for karate, playing an instrument, and especially for learning a new language.

Sensei Ambrose made us spend the whole night practicing just one block and a counter punch. A complete hour and half lesson just going over the same movements…

and I loved every minute of it.

As Bruce Lee said, “I am not scared of the man who has practiced 10 000 kicks, I am scared of the man who has practiced one kick 10 000 times”.

Next, we practiced with a partner. They threw a slow punch at us so we could learn to use the block.

Then the Sensei said, “now as FAST as you can and TRY AN HIT EM”

If we didn’t block properly


Frankly, I was intimidated.

Especially by Daniel, he’s serious about this stuff, he works out, and when Sensei says, “try and hit them”,

he does.

He doesn’t hold anything back…

I’m glad there isn’t a video because I looked goofy and seemed to be flailing around…at least a first.

But as we kept practicing the movement started to fall into place.

Man it felt good.

In the end I felt so confident I could even hold back on the block to the last fraction of a second. I used their momentum to redirect them with the block.

Now they were the ones off balance and looking bad.

Once I practiced the technique even Daniel couldn’t hit me.

It was great.

This same principle can make you fluent in Spanish very quickly.

Quit trying to learn everything at once. That will only lead to you not doing anything well. The secret to building any skill is simply to learn small pieces and “OWN” them.

This is true mastery.

It makes learning easier and more enjoyable because you blast away all the feelings of overwhelm and replace them with excitement and energy.

Until you “OWN” it you can’t use it.

As you build each step on the next it seems like the language becomes easier and easier.

Your confidence will grow as you master the language one piece at a time.
It almost seems easy.

You feel in control around Spanish speakers instead of being shy and intimidated by them.

You Spanish flows instead of speaking slowly and hesitating constantly.

I’ve put up a special lesson from the follow up to Synergy Spanish, which is called Bola de Nieve, as a great example of Spanish mastery.

Use it as your first easy step to mastering Spanish and speaking fluently.

Try it out on this page…
