Hola amigos

Today I am going to show you how to get an instant Spanish vocabulary of 1,016 words.

It makes Spanish suddenly seem familiar and much less foreign. Once you know how to make simple changes to English words you can get an instant Spanish vocabulary of thousands of words.

Here’s what I mean

Almost all English words that end with “TY” can be made into Spanish by changing “TY” to “DAD”.

University = UNIVERSIDAD
Eternity = ETERNIDAD
Nationality = NACIONALIDAD

There are 231 “TY/DAD” Spanish Cognates. Take a second and think of a few more.

Wasn’t hard was it?

The “TION/CION” Spanish Cognates.

Exactly the same concept.

Collection = COLECCION
Nation = NACION
Promotion = PROMOCION

There are 321 of these!

“ATE/AR” Spanish Cognates (211 Words)

Participate = PARTICIPAR
Inflate = INFLAR

“IC/ICO” Spanish Cognates (253)

Plastic = PLASTICO
Traffic = TRAFICO

OK, so let’s add them up…

231 ty/dad + 321 tion/cion + 211 ate/ar + 253 ic/ico = 1016!

Click here for la lista completa de 1016 words.

If you can find a quicker way to get a vocabulario of 1016 words I’ll eat my sombrero.

These words are everywhere in Spanish, I’ll bet you can understand the following paragraph.

Hay un curso completo del sistema “Shortcut to Spanish” que contiene 31 secciones. Hay lecciones que permiten obtener un vocabulario de español de 3,145 palabras. También incluye el sistema de audio acelerado; en total hay 3 horas de audio. El costo es menos de 40 dólares.

Mas detalles haga clic aquí.

There is a complete course of the “shortcut to Spanish” system that contains 31 sections. There are lessons that permit obtaining a vocabulary of 3145 Spanish words. Also, it includes the system of accelerated audio; in total there are 3 hours of audio. The cost is less than 40 dollars.

More details Click here.