Spanish can be fatal.

But not necessarily deadly.


By the way, if you’ve ever felt overwhelmed when people speak Spanish quickly check this out:

How to understand fast Spanish

Available until Friday Dec, 14.


In Spanish, these phrases are common.

La comida está fatal

María canta fatal

Me siento fatal

Fortunately, if someone says “la comida está fatal” it probably didn’t kill anyone. It’s like saying, the food was terrible in English.

Likewise, while Maria’s singing is also terrible, (María canta fatal) it’s not so bad that it kills.

And the most common expression of all, “me siento fatal” is like saying “I feel awful or I feel terrible”.

These nuances of the language are the key to fitting into daily conversations.

They are NOT “slang”.

Slang is often a fad that comes and goes.

Expressions like these are an everyday part of Spanish life.

In fact, it’s right there in the most authoritative dictionary, the Real Academia Española.

3. malo = bad

6. rematadamente mal = absolutely bad

It’s a living breathing part of Spanish life from the Iberian Peninsula to Patagonia.

It’s colorful.

It’s fun.

It’s essential to fitting in with your amigos.

Once you pick up the most common nuances, your Spanish comes into focus.

You understand your amigos better, even when they speak at full speed.

You keep up with conversations.

You blend into daily Spanish life.

You enjoy Spanish more.

Here’s a fun and fast way to understand more of what your amigos are saying…

Fast Track Spanish freedom