Here’s a quick quiz.

Q) What’s the similarity between a Spanish onion and an elephant?

A) Both are red, except for the elephant.

Q) What the similarity between Chinese and English?

A) They are both languages

Q) What’s the similarity between Spanish and English?

A) There’s a lot more than you might imagine.

Yes, Spanish and English have many differences; they also have mucho en común, much more than an onion and an elephant, or Chinese and Spanish.

This is very good news.

I’ve already shown you there are tons of words in common between Spanish and English.

Words you can instantly recognize like, universidad, revolución, problema etc.

It goes even deeper than that. There is much more in common between these languages than just words. There are also language patterns that have mucho en común.

If you are in una clase tradicional you could completely overlook these similitudes.

You see while you’re busy studying las diferencias triviales between the languages like the text book stuff of por vs para and ser vs estar, you’ll miss la gran oportunidad.

The big opportunity is to make the most of the similar speaking patterns because you can use them to speak flowing Spanish right

Here’s what I mean.

Just like English you can talk about the future in Spanish by saying I am going to, which in Spanish is, voy a,

voy a comer.
I am going to eat.

voy a invitar a mi profesor a la fiesta.
I am going to invite my teacher to the party.

voy a visitar a mi amigo mañana.
I am going to visit my friend tomorrow.

As in English there’s also a pattern in Spanish for speaking about something that you just did. In English we say, “I just + (verb) “while in Spanish you say acabo de + (verbo)

It works like this,

Acabo de escuchar el peor chiste del mundo.
I just heard the worst joke in the world.

Acabo de comer.
I just ate

Acabo de hablar con mi amigo.
I just spoke with my friend.

Acabo de aprender a hablar del futuro en español.
I just learned to speak about the future in Spanish.

Acabo de aprender mas español con Marcus.
I just learned more Spanish with Marcus.

Can you see how simple patterns lead you to speaking more Spanish?

There’s much more Spanish to be had this way than you’ll ever get by slaving over direct and indirect object pronouns, the pluperfect and indefinite articles.

Language patterns get you off the bench and straight into the game of Spanish.

Synergy Spanish will give you the most powerful patterns that’ll take you from being a spectator in the stands to a player in the
thick of the action.

Jump into this fun packed game here:

I often mention how synergy Spanish gives you 88,000 phrases from just 138 words. Some people think the magic is in the words,
it’s not. It’s all in learning the simple ways to use the patterns. That’s where the secret power lies and it’s yours for the taking at: