This lesson follows on from the two videos on these blog posts:

They were created for the el mundial (the World Cup). You don’t have to be a fan of el futbol to use this lesson to gain more confidence speaking Spanish.

The lessons have speaking patterns you’ll use everyday.

And even though the lesson on this post is advanced lesson you’ll be surprised how the speak-to-learn system gets you speaking even advanced Spanish.

Here’s the essential vocabulary for this video:

No era justo it wasn’t fair
Llevaba he used to wear
Durante during
Dijo he said
Me dijo he said to me
Siempre always
Todo el mundo everyone (Literally, “all the world”)
La camiseta amarilla the yellow t-shirt

This is an advanced lesson that moves in and out of different verb tenses. Sound complicated?

¡No te preocupes! (Don’t be worried!)

When you speak to learn instead of learning to speak the intimidation of advanced Spanish disappears.

Click the play arrow to start the video and enjoy speaking some advanced Spanish right away.

To receive the follow up lessons to this Video, just enter your email address below and click the “Advancing on Video” button: