"At Last! An Easy Way to Speak Spanish"

And best of all it’s fun to communicate in Spanish with simple methods for getting your point across. Watch the video below to discover why traditional Spanish classes let you down and how anyone can immediately communicate in Spanish.

Choose the Package Below that Suits the Way You Learn Best

Dear Friend,

Who else wants some shortcuts that make speaking Spanish easy, perhaps easier than you ever thought possible?

These shortcuts have helped thousands of people have fun while speaking Spanish FAST…at any age.

You may have suffered through the usual ghastly grammar methods that make learning Spanish so dull and boring. Many of my students tell me how frustrated they were that even after years of lessons, they still couldn’t communicate with Spanish speakers.

By after 15 years of teaching Spanish and consistently improving my approach through direct feedback from my students, I’ve now put together a simple and easy system that helps anyone speak Spanish in the real-world.

You too can enjoy success with Spanish. Instead of fumbling to find the right words, the Spanish just flows from your mouth almost automatically.

Finally enjoy speaking Spanish with your amigos in the plazas, cafes, and town squares.

After all…

About Marcus Santamaria

My name is Marcus Santamaria. That’s me in the picture to the left.

When I moved to a Spanish speaking country I didn’t speak a word of Spanish! I was recently married and I was desperate to speak to my new wife’s family and friends.

But I had another motivation, too…

As an English teacher, I felt like a fraud, because I didn’t even know how to speak Spanish myself! My shame drove me to search endlessly for a better way.

Learning Spanish was a nightmare for me!

Eventually I discovered what I suspected all along: the problem was not me, but the common teaching methods (you’ll be amazed at how much of what is normally taught actually gets in the way of communication).

Once I put all the pieces of the puzzle together for speaking Spanish, I became fluent in Spanish and have helped thousands of students speak the language quicker and easier than they ever thought possible.

Being Able To Use Spanish In The Real-World Is What Learning Spanish Is All About.

Imagine traveling through a Spanish speaking country or community.

You chat with the locals and they easily understand you.

You walk up to complete strangers without feeling nervous.

You confidently say what you want to say in Spanish.

It’s fun.

It changes the way you travel and the way you relate to people…

In a short time you can communicate in Spanish, order meals, reserve hotels, ask questions, and get your point across.

Why not get away from the overpriced tourist traps?

Instead enjoy exploring markets, meeting the locals, and experiencing the true local culture.

If this kind of interaction is why you want to learn Spanish…

I have to caution you…

Most Spanish programs get in the way of you ever being able to communicate in the real-world.

Warning: If You Want To Use Your Spanish In The Real-World You Must Avoid These Common Mistakes.

One of the biggest mistakes people make is learning fake language you’ll never use. For example;

“The tables are very clean but the waiter is dirty.”

Or this,

“The quick jellyfish is quiet.”

Believe it or not those examples were taken directly from Spanish textbooks.

Even Worse Are Long-Winded Grammar Explanations That Just Leave You Confused.

Who wouldn’t feel confused by this example taken directly from another Spanish Course?

“When the relative clause introduces a nonrestrictive clause (information non essential to the overall meaning of the sentence), you can use el cual.”

I’ve been doing this for 15 years, and that explanation even confuses me.

How is knowing a “nonrestrictive clause”, or even what the heck it means, going to help you communicate with your amigos?

Speaking real-world Spanish is so much more FUN.

Let me show you the easiest way to speak real-world Spanish you can use the same day.

How To Communicate In Real-World Spanish As FAST As Possible.

Forget the classroom and academic theory.

If you want to speak with Spanish speakers, it makes much more sense to start with the easiest and fastest Spanish you can use today.

The problem is most textbooks, classes and courses overlook the best ways to start speaking Spanish quickly.

Instead they insist on teaching you minor points of grammar that have little or no impact on your ability to communicate.

Simply put, Spanish you can use in the real-world is the best place to start.

As obvious as that last statement is, courses rarely teach you real-world Spanish.

My shortcuts have you speaking Spanish immediately.

In fact, there is a buried treasure of Spanish vocabulary that is usually hidden from students, yet it is the best way to speak Spanish quickly.

Open this treasure chest and you can tap into 3,013 Spanish words immediately…


How to Use 3,013 Instant Spanish Words And Speak with Native Spanish Speakers Anywhere.

It’s easy to unlock this treasure chest of Spanish words.

All it takes is a handful of easy patterns and Spanish is at your fingertips. Once I show you the patterns, you’ll make Spanish words in a flash.

In fact, you’ll access a vocabulary of 1000s of Spanish words.

It’s amazing how easy it is to speak real Spanish.

Just follow a few simple rules to translate English words into Spanish and you can start communicating in Spanish almost instantly.

Let me give you a brief example.

Almost all English words that end with IC can be made into Spanish by changing IC to ICO.

By the way, there are 253 words in the IC ICO category. After I show you how to use them, you won’t believe how easy it is to have a conversation in Spanish.

But first, the exciting news is there are 30 more treasure chests just like this of instant Spanish words.

Let’s look at another group of Spanish words you can use immediately.

Next Category CIÓN

Most English words that end with TION can be made into Spanish by changing TION to CIÓN.

Easy isn’t it?

The CIÓN category has 321 instant words.

Next Category ATE AR

Almost all English words that end with ATE can be made into Spanish by changing ATE to AR.

There are 211 words in the ATE AR category.

Why not take full advantage of this Shortcut to Spanish?

These are just 3 of the 31 categories of Instant Spanish words. You get them all in 31 easy 15-25 minute sessions.

Take your time and go through them one a day for the next month or immerse yourself in ALL of them in one intensive weekend.

By Monday morning you’ll be amazed at the Spanish words coming out of your mouth.

Either way, this Instant Spanish vocabulary of up to 3013 words is yours to tap into whenever you want.

You might be thinking, “But how can I pronounce these words and how do I use them in sentences?”

After all, you want be sure you’re getting your point across and being understood.

That’s why Shortcut to Spanish comes with 31 step-by-step audio, video, and written lessons.

Go through them at your own pace…using the methods that are best for you.

Plus, the power of patterns will have you using these words in flowing sentences with your new amigos.

But you’re not limited to just 3,013 words. Here’s how you can…

“I now have more confidence when speaking to my husband’s family”

“I live in Menorca with my Menorcan husband and I have found this course very helpful. I have now been on the island for 6 years and have always had difficulty in creating Spanish sentences. Your course has helped me to understand the language better than anything I have tried before, and I now have more confidence when speaking to my husband’s family.”

-Mandy Peacock (Spain)

“I had almost given up learning Spanish. Your style has inspired me once again. I have found a new confidence in speaking the language”

 “I had almost given up learning Spanish I found, trying to learn all the verbs straight from a grammar book, difficult and was finding it increasingly hard to keep my motivation up. Your style has inspired me once again and I am enjoying it very much.

I’m only spending 30 minutes a day with your course and each time I come away feeling I learn something every time, and best of all I have found a new confidence in speaking the language! Thank you so much for giving me my motivation back.”

-Trudy Britton (UK)

“I already find myself realizing that I can actually put sentences together”

“Thanks……your course is WONDERFUL ! I have researched and bought numerous Spanish courses over the years and yours is the first I have found to be truly ‘user friendly’.

I do have some basic knowledge and vocabulary under my belt…..but have never been able to converse in Spanish. After only reading the first few chapters of your course I already find myself realizing that I can actually put sentences together.”

-Kathy Davis (USA)


Ignite Your Imagination, And Pick Up Any Spanish Word in as Fast as a Word a Minute or Better.

Your mind has the ability to learn Spanish words much faster than you ever thought possible.

All you need is a mental link between English and the Spanish word.

These mental links are called mnemonics.

Mnemonics are without doubt the most powerful tool for learning any language.

Why are mnemonics so powerful?

Mnemonics put the power of imagination into learning. Unfortunately in school most learning is left brain, analytical and rigid.

Mnemonics access the other part of your brain, your right brain. The right brain is creative, imaginative, fluid and much faster at learning.

Mnemonics took me from getting nowhere in Spanish, to mastering the Spanish language.

They can open up a new world of Spanish for you too…

How to Unlock Your Untapped Mental Powers At Any Age.

If the rigid school system hindered your natural talents years ago…

Even if you think you don’t have any ability with languages…

Don´t worry, just under the surface you have untapped learning powers.

Let me show you what I mean.

Let’s make a link between an English word and a Spanish word.

The Spanish word for bread is pan.

Imagine yourself cooking bread in a pan. Really use your imagination and see yourself cooking a whole loaf of bread in the pan. The crazier it looks the better.

By creating a mental picture you are accessing the filing cabinet of your mind.

This mental link between the English word bread and the Spanish word pan, gives you access to file and retrieve the word at will.

I know you can do this with outstanding success, in fact….

Let me show you how to internalize 2 Spanish words in under a minute

Use your imagination to learn these words.

The Spanish word for beach is playa.

Imagine you are “playing on the beach.

See yourself in your minds eye playing in the sand.

What game are you playing on the beach?

The Spanish word for pool is piscina.

We all know a kid who likes to piss in a pool.

(I am sorry about that one, but the easier
to imagine the better and unfortunately for
the swimmers but good for us learning Spanish
there’s often that dirty little kid who pisses in a pool)

Okay is it really possible to learn 2 words in under a minute?

It sure is!

What is the English word for "Piscina":

-> Pool

What is the English words for "Playa":

-> Beach

What is the English word for "Pan":

-> Bread


You easily filed away 2 words plus the example word pan.

See how easy it can be to internalize and retrieve Spanish words.

And we are only scratching the surface of your potential.

Once you add the complete system of instant Spanish words, mnemonics, audio lessons and real-world Spanish sentences in context this journey into Spanish becomes really exciting.

You finally feel that you can learn the words you need, pronounce them in real sentences and be understood.

Here are some reports from people who have gone through my course and experienced the joy of communicating in Spanish for the first time.

“I was speaking Spanish with all of my old Cuban friends in no time”

I must say Marcus…YOU ARE A GENIUS! I called one of my friends in Cuba last night and just blew them away. It was an awesome feeling!

Once you get the basic formula down, everything is smooth sailing from there. I just needed someone to lay that formula out for me in a simplified manner.

You couldn’t have made it any easier. Again Marcus…you are genius! YOU ROCK!

Rachael wrote me again a couple of months later to tell me how delight she was with her success communicating in Cuba.

I thought I’d let you know how fantastic I did on my last trip to Cuba. I could not wait to test out everything I had learned with your course.

I was a little hesitant at first but once I had a few Pina Coladas, I was speaking Spanish with all of my old Cuban friends in no time.

They did correct me on one or two things but were very, very impressed. I had visited with them only two months ago and knew nothing but “hola, si and gracias”. They were thrown right off! I was even translating for the tourists downtown, it was great!

I felt all tingly inside whenever I had finished a whole conversation in Spanish.

My Canadian girlfriend who came with me, just sat back in awe. Wow did I feel good. I have no one else to thank but you Marcus. Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou.

Racheal Smith

“After spending hundreds of pounds/dollars learning Spanish, I have found that the methods you use yields far greater results”

…. after spending hundreds of pounds / dollars on other methods of learning Spanish, ie Traditional Language courses, books, even expensive private tutoring, I have found that the methods you use yield far greater, and more importantly, lasting , memorable results………

Dave Buckingham

“Your course has convinced me I’m not hopeless after allI just finished the first level of Shortcut To Spanish, and it was outstanding”

I have tried everything from Barron’s, to Spanish Now, to Spanish is Fun, to Speed Spanish, to Berlitz, and even the Idiot’s Guide to Learning Spanish, to name a few.

Your course has convinced me I’m not hopeless after all.

I learned more from your course than any of these others, but what’s more, I am able to retain the information and put into practice thousands of sentences I never thought I’d ever be able to speak. I’ve always loved Mexico, the Spanish language, the culture, their people, but only now am I able to truly embrace them.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Elaine Lopez

“I’m living proof that it’s effective, easy, enjoyable, unforgettable, user friendly, and most importantly, quick”

I live with a friend who is from the Dominican Republic, and it gets very frustrating not being able to have a proper conversation with him, but that was before I saw your work.

I am visiting the Dominican next month and I feel I’m going to be confident enough to converse with people and have more fun.

I want to thank you so much for making such an easy way to learn Spanish, but not only that, in a fun way too, Thank you once again, you are a true legend.

Tim wrote again 3 weeks later, delighted to be making solid progress and communicating with his Spanish speaking sister in-law for the first time

I speak to my sister-in-law online in Spanish now, whereas before we were not able to communicate properly at all which was very frustrating.
Tim Thomas

“If we had had that text in school all of us would be speaking Spanish by now”

Marcus It was more than I expected and my Spanish is so much the better for it.

I really think you did a great job and interestingly you managed to have that sense of ‘humaness’ throughout.

I felt like you were there with me encouraging me on. you are right it is quite a departure from the usual textbook fare which require such Herculean effort with less result.

I am from Jamaica in the Caribbean and if we had had that text in school all of us would be speaking Spanish by now.

Meridian Kohler

I have shared with you two of my most powerful Shortcuts to enjoying and using Spanish in the real-world.

There is another shortcut you need to know because…

What good is it to know a bunch of words if you can’t put them together to speak Spanish and get your point across?

Did you know that with just a handful of versatile words and a few simple patterns you can express just about anything you want to say in Spanish?

Here’s an even more powerful…


The Words Native Speakers Use For Maximum Communication You Can Use Too And Express Yourself Without Nervousness, Hesitation Or Fear.

The key to speaking Spanish in sentences is knowing which words are important and which words are a waste of time.

Here’s what I mean…

When I started learning Spanish I used to learn words by category.

Don’t make this mistake!

I can’t believe I was so stupid and wasted so much time. I learned words that I will never ever use.

I learned every word in the kitchen category, even the word for dish drainer and plughole.

How many times do you think I have used the Spanish words for dish drainer and plug hole in conversation?


And I am sure you will never use them either.

The secret to getting on the fast track with Spanish is to learn the most commonly used words.

(Studies show that as few as 100 words are repeated over and over in 50% of all communication.)

Once you know a handful of Spanish power words and how to use them, you can get by in Spanish in a surprisingly short time.

You won’t make the mistake I made.

I am going to put you on the fast track and show you how to internalize the 100 power words and 18 expressive power verbs…

They’ll take you to real-world Spanish communication fast.

A combination of power words, instant Spanish words and simple patterns to put them together and you’ll be talking up a storm in no time.

Sounds too good to be true. Let’s prove it…


The Secrets To Speaking Real-World Spanish in Flowing Sentences.

You can use the Spanish from today to make real-world Spanish just like you’ll use in real conversations.

And the best part is you can speak Spanish on a variety of subjects. You learn to communicate in any situation.

Here are a couple of quick examples

In Spanish to talk about the future is very easy, you just use a power verb. To say I am going to you simply say voy a

Do you remember that you can make Spanish from English with words that end in ate by changing ate to ar?

What is the Spanish word for "meditate":

-> meditar

What is the Spanish for "I am going to celebrate.":

-> I am going to voy a celebrar.

What is the Spanish for "I am going to donate 10 pesos.":

-> I am going to voy a donar 10 pesos.

What is the Spanish for "I am going to the pool.":

-> I am going to voy a la piscina.

How are you doing so far?

Learning can be easy can’t it.

I am sure you know the famous expression “mi casa es su casa.”

My house is your house.

What is the Spanish for "I am going to fumigate my house.":

-> I am going to voy a fumigar mi casa.

What is the Spanish for "I am going to decorate my house.":

-> I am going to voy a decorar mi casa.

What is the Spanish for "I am going to ventilate my house.":

-> I am going to voy a ventilar mi casa.

It is still easy to do right.

Communicating in Spanish is just that easy.

These are very quick examples to give you the idea of how easy it can be to start communicating in Spanish…

Imagine how much you will be able to say after you complete my 31 step-by-step program.

Imagine how much you’ll speak when you have all 31 groups of instant Spanish words under your belt. You’ll be able to use as many as 3013 words to say just about anything you will want…

Plus, you’ll have the 100 power words at your fingertips and…

And you’ll use 18 power verbs patterns to make real-world Spanish conversation.

Your friends will be amazed. Spanish speakers will appreciate you in a way you can’t imagine now, as you speak to them in their own language.

Here’s what some more of my students have reported.

When you have a treasure chest full of familiar words and patterns, you can go out and use your Spanish in the real-world without hesitating, fumbling or feeling nervous.

You just walk up to people and start speaking Spanish.

There is something magical about being able to use Spanish instantly and each time you speak Spanish your confidence and skill grows.

You can start enjoying Spanish in the real-world soon because the…

Easy, Short, 15-25 Minute Spanish Lessons Get Your Spanish Flowing In 31 Days Or Less

Each easy lesson takes just 15 to 25 minutes. It’s an enjoyable journey of discovery adding wonderful new skill to your abilities.

Each step by step lesson builds on the previous one. It always feels easy, yet you advance very quickly.

The easy pace means you don’t burnout.

You move towards your Spanish speaking goals without ever feeling confused or bored.

In fact, the opposite is true, the lessons are engaging, entertaining and fun.

Many of my students report that my Spanish lessons are the most enjoyable part of their day.

And that’s how it should be because you learn much faster when you enjoy yourself.

You may have noticed I keep emphasizing real-world Spanish. That’s because I don’t want you to fall prey to the academic world Spanish that you can’t use.

This isn’t academic PHD level Spanish that takes years to learn and only to leave you out on a limb when you try and apply it in the real-world.

When I created this course I was determined to make it as user friendly and usable as possible.

There’s no theoretical textbook Spanish here.

I eliminated the impractical Spanish that you’ll never use.

Instead, I filled the course with real world-world Spanish you can use with real people the same day you learn it.

Here Are Examples Of The Real World Spanish You’ll Say While Going Through The Course

Tengo que ir a los Estados Unidos – I have to go to the United States.

Tiene que abrir su maleta – You have to open your suitcase.

Quiero comer otro taco – I want to eat another taco.

¿Por qué usted tiene que ir ahora? – Why do you have to go now?

Real Spanish

No fake conversation

Speak Spanish the way people really speak Spanish.

Is Shortcut to Spanish The Easiest And Fastest Way To Jump-Start Spanish?

I have been where you are.

I wanted to learn Spanish so badly and everything I tried didn’t help me at all.

I know how confusing and ineffective most Spanish courses are.

So, I created the course I wish I’d had at the start. It would have saved me years.

I cut out all the fat, filler and abstract concepts.

I eliminate the over analysis and confusing explanations of topics you won’t use anyway.

I left out all the useless and time wasting grammar based activities.

This is real-world Spanish for the rest of us.

Shortcut to Spanish is filled with Spanish you can use immediately.

I left only the good stuff, so you can cruise through the course and start speaking Spanish right away.

I spent 6 months making Shortcut to Spanish an easy, smooth and effortless way to integrate Spanish speaking into your skill set.

There’s no confusion, stress or fear of making a fool of yourself. It’s an easy course to get through and easy to put into use.

You can learn at your own pace and take as little or as long as you want.

If you want to get really busy, no problem, you will be amazed what you can achieve in a week or two.

You can also take longer and let the concepts sink in and become yours forever.

Every step builds on the last.

You’re not thrown in the middle of the ocean and left to drown.

Not are you left confused.

Instead, I gently lead by the hand in an easy to follow step by step format that makes it certain you’ll succeed and finally get to speak Spanish.

It’s just that easy.

Everything You Need to Start Speaking Spanish in The Shortest Time Possible

Here’s what you get.

I have put together a package of 3 integrated Spanish learning resources to cut your learning curve to the bone.

“Shortcut to Spanish” the Action Guide to Learning Spanish Fast

The “Shortcut to Spanish” Action Guide shows you how to use 31 categories of instant Spanish words. The easiest 3013 Spanish words you’ll ever learn.

It also includes 132 Mnemonics of Spanish Power Words and Power verbs for maximum Spanish communication in minimum time.

You know, speaking Spanish is not just about words, I want you to speak flowing Spanish in the real world.

That’s why, I guide you step-by-step to put it all together in fluid Spanish sentences.

Your Spanish ability expands as you combine resource 1 with the next resource…

31 Interactive Audio Lessons for Clear Spanish Speaking

There’s no listening and repeating words like a dumb parrot, instead you’ re learning on a much deeper level.

You interplay with the audio and start to think in Spanish.

Once you add this audio component your Spanish really starts to take off.

Best of all, the audio is an exciting and enjoyable part of the course.

You’ll find it thrilling to speak more and more Spanish with every lesson.

Real-world Spanish conversation awaits you.

Your Own Personal Spanish Coach

Email support; after you download or receive your home delivery, if you are ever stuck, have any questions or are scratching your head, just send me an email and I will answer your burning question.

I am your personal Spanish coach.

This is a very special bonus.

I am sure you understand that I can only offer this resource to a limited number of people and I can’t guarantee that it will be available if you wait until tomorrow.

Class with private tutors cost up to $50.00 a session.

If you go to a Spanish speaking country to learn the language you could easily spend $2000.00.

Spanish courses with less useful information charge 10-15 times more. I know because I bought most of them.

Yet, if I found a course that would actually work I would gladly paid 100 times the price of this course.

This course works. You’ll finally get to speak Spanish and if you don’t I’ll give you a full refund.

You’ll Speak Spanish Successfully, 100% Guaranteed or Your Money Back

Use Shortcut to Spanish for a full 60 days, interact with the lessons, then go and talk to your
Spanish-speaking amigos.

If they are not amazed at your new ability to communicate, if you are not thrilled with your new confidence with Spanish, or if you are not 100% delighted with how easy communicating in Spanish has become, I’ll refund your money in full, no questions asked.

Marcus Santamaria

In just a few moments you can have everything you need to start speaking Spanish in the shortest time possible.

The course has a 100% no hassle guarantee, all you have to do to get a refund is say “I want a refund”.

It’s time to finally speak Spanish, just click either link below to get started.

Choose the Package Below that Suits the Way You Learn Best

Looking forward to helping you finally conquer Spanish.

Marcus Santamaria

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