Do you speak grammarian?

When was the last time you heard a mother tell her four year old, “You should have used the indirect object pronoun instead of the
direct object pronoun.”

When you were that 4-year-old kid, you had no trouble learning your first language without being a grammarian.

You can do it again in your new language.

You probably won’t pick it up quite as quickly as a child will, but that’s even more reason to keep it simple.

The way many Spanish textbooks and instructors teach, you have to learn all the rules of a grammarian.

I’m sorry…but that’s boring, a waste of your time, and slow to accomplish your goals.

I don’t know about you, but my first goal in learning Spanish was to simply be understood during a basic conversation.

No one sat me down during a casual conversation and scolded me for mistakes I might have made with the pluperfect, indirect
object pronouns or definite articles.

You don’t need to learn Grammarian to speak Spanish.

But flip open most textbooks and you’re hit between the eyes by these intimidating labels.

If you remember from school what a pronoun is, that’s not enough

No way Jose!

They assault you with relative pronouns, demonstrative pronouns and reflexive pronouns.

Hay caramba!

Can you learn Spanish without being a grammarian?

I know you can.

You can go from zero Spanish to getting by in the language without any intimidating grammar terminology. In fact, a simple 3-step
system can lead you to making as many as 88,000 phrases from just 138 words,

See for yourself how easy it is on with the lessons on this page:

By the way, just for the record, on that page you’ll USE conjugated verbs, infinitives, direct object pronouns, adjectives, adverbs,
nouns and even the pluperfect

You’ll use all that stuff. But instead of all the fuss over labels, you’ll just get on with it and speak a bunch of Spanish.