Lots of Spanish words about la música are instantly recognizable.

Por ejemplo los instrumentos (For example, the instruments):

La guitarra

El piano

El violín

La trompeta

El acordeón

La armónica

El saxófono

The different styles of music are very easy to recognize as well.

La música clásica

La música instrumental

La música moderna

La música militar

La música popular

La música electrónica

La música religiosa

La música tradicional

These instant Spanish words give you a great head start for chatting about music.

When you combine them with Synergy Verbs, Brick Verbs, and Mortar Words you have everything you need to speak conversationally about music in flowing sentences.

I’ve created a brand new video series, “Spanish life, love and music”. It’s a great way to add the subject of music to your Spanish-speaking repertoire.

The first video is available for you right now on the link below:

Spanish life, love and music.