If you are among the many people who are looking to take your Spanish even further, I have some good news for you. I am very close to making available the follow up to Synergy Spanish.

It’s called Synergy Spanish Bola de Nieve (Synergy Spanish snowball).

Why a snowball?

There are many images that come up when we think of Spanish speaking countries. For some it’s a combination of cactus, donkey and sombreros…

For those of us who know better, it might be beaches, exotic food, vibrant culture, colorful history, and best of all, some of the friendliest people on earth with an unstoppable passion and zest for life.

Of all the things that Spanish brings to mind…snow is probably not one off them.

Here’s the idea behind such a rare mental connection…

If you completed all your Synergy Spanish lessons, then speaking Spanish more freely will be like rolling a snowball downhill.

Like the cartoon cliché of a snowball getting bigger and bigger, your Spanish already has enough momentum to almost grow by itself.

All you need is someone to push you in the right direction, and you’ll be speaking in more ways than you could have ever imagined possible.

You see, everyone has natural talent for language but it is often extinguished in classes through over analysis, theory and dogma.

If you don’t think you have a talent for language, or you think you are too old, then I’m out to prove you wrong.

After almost 3 years of research, investigation and testing I’ve created a unique approach that makes a high level of communication in Spanish attainable for everyone.

I am confident that you’ll be delighted with what’s coming, and I’ll let you know more details of the release date within the next few days.

Muchos saludos

Marcus Santamaria